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Visit Us through Video

Sep 30, 2011

I’m really excited with what we’ve been able to accomplish through video. You can now see an overview of how we provide phone interpretation at Voiance, including footage of one of our contact centers:

[viddler id=907d78ac&w=400&h=210]

One of our primary differentiators is US-based contact centers. The value proposition is this: when we run our language service operations like a best-in-class contact center, everyone benefits. Cost savings can be passed on to our clients and our clients can expect better service.

You can also sign up to to see more videos which feature our interpreters, contact centers, client experience, and more.


Mitchel Forney


Voiance Language Services provides language interpretation and translation services, including telephone interpretation, through interpreter contact centers, with over 85,000 square feet of floor space. We manage contact centers, and so do many of our clients, which is part of the Voiance Advantage.