What is the Most Popular Language in your State?

T h e United States has never declared an official language, but English is the most common language spoken and is the official language of most states. In fact, it is the official language of 31 states.
Although English is the most common language spoken in the United States, it is not the only one. According to the American Community Survey (ACS), over 60 million people (one-fifth of the US population) speak a language other than English at home. The Census also points outfour major language groups: Spanish, other Indo-European languages, Asian and Pacific Island languages, and all other languages. If you remove English from the map of most commonly spoken languages, Spanish becomes the most spoken language in 43 states.
Because Spanish is such a dominant language, this map doesn’t give an accurate representation of how many languages are spoken in the country. A second map was created using the same ACS data, but excluding English and Spanish from the list of languages. The new map shows a much more diverse range of languages that are spoken around the United States.
Although the maps above show nearly 20 languages spoken in the United States, they do not even begin to touch on the 300 other languages spoken daily around the U.S. These maps serve as proof that America truly is a melting pot.
About Voiance Language Services
Voiance Language Services, LLC is a leading Phone Interpretation provider to contact centers. Operating a network of secure interpreter contact centers with over 1,000 seats, Voiance offers 24/7 Phone Interpretation in over 200 languages, Translation and Localization in over 100 Languages, and Video Remote Interpretation. Voiance’s parent company CyraCom International, Inc. has been in business since 1995 and is the largest provider of Phone Interpretation with operations solely in the United States.